



“From perfect purees for those first tastes, veggie packed meals for hungry toddlers, or tantalizing finger foods and snacks to really get those taste buds tingling, Organix has got it covered keeping little tummies happy at all times! Spark their love of great food.”

Working with the brilliant team at The Ninety-Niners, I animated a suite of Instagram posts for their client Organix, based around their tagline ‘Spark their love of great food’. Working with artwork provided by the Ninety-Niners team, we developed a funky, high-energy animation style to bring the yummy Organix treats to life. Think bouncy graphics, psychedelic fruit wheels and animated type. This project was super fun to work on for both the Instagram art and endframe for the TV ad. Check out Organix socials to see them all in action!

If you’re looking to add some funk to your socials or need that perfect final touch to your TV ads get in touch!